Monday 23 February 2015

And Again

Another cold day, with sleet, hail and freezing rain at times, though some sun as well that looked nice from where I was sitting in a warm office, but clearly wasn't, to see the pinched faces and turned-up collars of the passers-by. A busy day, and very little time to take note of anything much, but it was nice to see daffodils beginning to open in a number of places - cold or not, the spring maybe slowed, can't be stopped.

On my way home, a good sight of a kestrel, hovering, swooping, hovering again by the roadside. These birds really are masters of the air, and it must take some skill to hover on a day like today, when the air concerned was particularly turbulent at times.  I passed a buzzard sitting, looking to my eyes rather disconsolate, on a hawthorn hedge. This isn't something I would have ever seen as a child, as buzzards then were both scarcer and also much less prepared to be as close as this one was to human activity.

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