Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Let's Dance

Another new poem . . . maybe not quite where I want it yet, but I'm happy to share it as it is . . .

Today finds me standing at the mere’s edge,
where trailing branches of willow and ash
play tunes in the clear water. Fish with silver scales
and red fins are patrolling the shaded pools;
occasionally one breaks the surface to seize a fly.
Each splash chimes a broken chord,
and everywhere around me there is birdsong.

Yet my sense is that the music I hear
is only the smallest hint of the music that really is.
We are surrounded by music,
and we are also, wonderfully, made of music.

For I claim music as my deepest self;
music sings within me, the music of atoms and molecules,
of dancing, spinning electrons;  music finds its rhythm
in the constant motion of my blood,
in my breathing out and in, in all the circles and cycles
of existence. So it is because I am music
that I can hear and interpret the music of today,
in the calling birds, in the splash of water on rocks,
the rustle of the leaves, the laughter of passers-by.
It is because I am made of music
that this music becomes part of me.

So today I feel, and say, and insist that all of life is music;
music is my best explanation
of what it means to be alive, and
of what we should do with our lives.
Let’s dance.

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