Sunday 29 November 2015


So, the season of Advent has begun - and with it my first Christmas carol service! I preferred it when carols weren't sung until after Christmas: our "Nine Lessons and Carols" always took place on the Sunday after Christmas. Advent then truly was a season of spiritual preparation for the feast, and in our house the Christmas decorations went up on Christmas Eve, not before. I suppose that was old fashioned of us, even then. Now, Christmas begins on Advent Sunday (so called, so Advent has ceased to be a season and become one Sunday). But that's life, and I no more turn the clock back on Advent and Christmas than Canute could turn back the waves!

Meanwhile, I've found a really nice live version of "North Street Grande" by Stackridge, a band I've always liked since coming across them in the early 70's. This song dates from 2009, and I was surprised to find they'd released it as a Christmas single. It is indeed a sort of Christmas song, and worth a listen now that WW1 is a hundred years ago:

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