Monday 6 April 2015

Tame Creatures . . .

Creatures in our garden seem to be getting quite tame. Today a mouse appeared and wandered up to the bird feeders quite oblivious to the fact that I was standing near. I moved and he or she ran off, only to come straight back despite the fact that I was still there. This happened several times!  The mouse was literally a foot or so away from where I was standing.

Later Ann was sitting out when a sparrow hawk hurtled in and perched in a tree not more than three feet away from her. To be fair, it did fly off fairly promptly when it noticed she was so close, but even so, that's a pretty close encounter for both of them.

Meanwhile, the regulars, chaffinches, goldfinches, siskins especially, seem happy to let me get within a few feet of them as they visit the feeders. And the squirrels . . . well, don't get me started on that one! I can shout and curse and yell and even throw things, and they just sit up and grin at me. Oh well - lovely day today, and I got lots done. The garden is looking quite tidy.

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