Sunday 19 April 2015

Bird Table Update

Interesting to note that the local robin quickly and readily attacks dunnocks when they approach the area under our bird feeders. Robins are combative birds, but he mostly doesn't attack the other birds that come to the feeders, so why the dunnocks? It may be that some of their behaviour is similar enough to that of the robin, especially during the mating season when the pair we have are constantly reacting to each other, to start him off. Then again, perhaps it's just that they are ground feeders prospecting the area under the feeders for spilt seed, and therefore competing a bit too directly with the robin, who also does that. Blackbirds also feed under the feeding station, of course, but they're bigger birds and pretty mean, and our robin is evidently not that daft.  But the robin does use the feeders, often perching right on top to show that he's the boss bird (except when nuthatches turn up) - yet only very rarely chases other, even much smaller, birds away as he does the dunnocks. Not that they seem to mind very much, they fly off, take cover, then just come straight back and take up where they left off.

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