Wednesday 24 February 2016

Cold As Ice

A poem from a few years ago, which I submitted today to the "Loneliness Project" . . .

Sunshine and traffic noises,
the world waking up from winter,
and I am cold as ice.
In a moment I shall go walking
among the celandines and primroses,
and I shall hope not to meet too many people.
So much brightness, so many smiles!
And I am cold as ice.
I have begun to run out
of jobs to do, of tasks to perform,
of helpful, mindless bits of therapy;
I shall have to start to think again soon.
That’s hard:  thinking takes energy
and I am cold as ice.
So I watch the tree-creeper
winding mouselike up the rutted trunk
of the pine across the yard from my window;
the bird flips back down,
a quick flurry of wings,
to begin again his climb.
I also have to begin again,
having come down so very suddenly
to the place where I now sit.
I also have to begin again,

but I am cold as ice.

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